Conditions Treated Hauppauge, NY

At The Vitality Center, our goal is to provide everyone with a one-stop-shop for their healthcare needs. As a chiropractor in Hauppauge, we provide numerous services and treat countless conditions. We use functional medicine, nutrition, and a comprehensive approach to help our patients recover from numerous injuries and illnesses.

The Conditions We Treat

At The Vitality Center, some of the common conditions that we treat include:

Extremity Issues: One of the most common problems that people come to The Vitality Center to treat is problems with their extremities. This includes knee pain, foot pain, elbow pain, and more. This could be a sign of a patellar tendon issue, plantar fasciitis, a UCL sprain, and more.

Back Pain: Of course, back pain is at the focus of what we do. Some of the most common back pain issues that we treat include posture problems, a herniated disc, and even compression fractures.

Sciatica: One common form of back pain that we treat is called sciatica. This condition develops when the sciatic nerve is irritated. This can lead to leg pain, back pain, and weakness.

Sports Injury Concerns: In addition, we also treat sports injuries. Sports injuries are a common issue at The Vitality Center. Some of the most common sports injuries that we work with include sprains, strains, and we can even help patients with stress fractures. Our goal is to help athletes recover quickly and completely.

Auto Accident Injury: Auto accident injuries are also a common reason why patients come to The Vitality Center. Some of the most common auto accident injuries that we treat include headaches, whiplash, and PCL sprains stemming from dashboard knee, a common knee injury in car crashes.

Functional Medicine Concerns: Finally, we also use functional medicine to help with a variety of behavioral issues, particularly in children. Some of the most common issues we work with include autism, ADHD, behavioral concerns, and even sensory issues in kids. We can use nutrition, counseling, and even a ketogenic diet to address these issues. We take a comprehensive approach to these common issues in kids.

Call The Vitality Center Today to Find Out More

At The Vitality Center, we provide everyone with access to a trained chiropractor in Hauppauge. We take a unique approach to the treatment of injuries and illnesses in that we try to identify the root cause without causing side effects and complications to develop. This is one of the core tenets of functional medicine. We are here to advocate for your best healthcare interests. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please give us a call today. It would be our honor to help you with all of your healthcare needs.